Community Info
Canyon Creek Property Owners Association
Helpful Phone Numbers
Aqua (877) 987-2782
Animal Control (817) 573-4277
AT&T Telephone (800) 559-7928
Brazos River Authority
Lake Patrol (817) 573-1407
Supervisor (817) 573-3212
Spectrum Communications (800) 936-1490
Republic Services (817) 317-2000
First National Bank (817) 579-1980
Hood County Health Department (817) 579-3288
Hood County Fire Marshall (817) 579-3335
IHVFD...Fire Chief..Jeff Young (817) 296-1001
Hood County News (817) 573-7066
Hood County Tax Appraisal District (817) 573-2471
Justice of the Peace (817) 579-3290
Fax (817) 579-3345
Sheriff's Department (817) 579-3307
United Cooperative Services (817) 326-5232
2023-2024 Board of Directors
Andy Wall
Michelle Freeman
Vice President
CJ Brown
Kathy Napierkowski